High Institute

of Engineering & Technology in Obour

Admission & Registration System

The engineering institute has the following divisions:

Electronic Engineering 




Civil Engineering 

- The institute abides with the application of the studying plans and curricula declared by the committee
of the sector of industrial and engineering institutes.
- The Graduate has the right to get the membership of engineers’ syndicate.

All departments and divisions accept applicants’ holders of:

  • Certificate of General secondary Education and Azhari secondary Education and what is
    equivalent to them from the Arabic and The Foreign Certificates.
  • Certificate of industrial secondary schools – three year system and five year system.
  • Certificate of technical industrial institutes.
  • Certificate of industrial secondary schools – Mubarak Kohl.

• The study period is 5 years with the system of the approved hours. The curricula are taught in Arabic and
English according to the nature of each curriculum. The student has the examinations in either of Arabic or
English. After such period, the institute grants the graduate the bachelor degree certified from the Minister
of Higher Education in either of the aforementioned fields of specializations on the condition that the
student passes the curricula of the study plan successfully with the satisfaction of all requirements from
the compulsory curricula and the bachelor project as well as the implementation of the practical training
with having an accumulated rate which should be no less than 50% D. The total approved hours is at
least 183 hours distributed among the requirements of the institute, the specialization and the division.
Each requirement contains compulsory and optional curricula and the requirements of the institute.

• The study is pursuant to the hour system in two semesters in the institute year in addition to a summer
semester. The term of the first semester is fifteen weeks while the study in the summer semester is
intensive and is no more than 8 weeks in addition to the examinations period for every semester.

• The study period which the student spends in the institute to get the bachelor degree should not exceed
16 semesters (i.e. 8 years). The Board of the institute can tolerate in this condition in case of extreme
necessity and on the condition that the student register a number of the studying curricula in the semester
with a minimum 21 approved hours and with 21 hours at most. He cannot register less than two curricula
in either of the two semesters except he has obstacles or if there is only such number of curricula left for
the student to complete all subjects and graduates in such semester. The registration is made for every
curriculum solely.

• With respect to the summer semester, the student cannot register in more than two curricula from the
curricula of the study plan and with the number of 15 students at least in case of necessity and pursuant
to the approval of the administration of the institute.

• The admission of the students and their transference is carried out at the beginning of the first semester
and at the beginning of the second semester. The graduation of the students is at the end of the first
semester and at the end of the second semester or at the end of the summer semester in case the
student fulfills the requirements of his study plan.

• Every student has an academic guide from the members of the teaching staff who follows the scientific
progress of the student and gives him the advice in choosing the program suitable for him and the suitable
sequence for curricula. The student registers the curricula on the defined times prior to the beginning of
every semester after the approval of the academic supervisor.

• The new students’ registration procedures should be ended within the week that immediately precedes
the beginning of the study in the institute. The board of the institute has the right to take a decision in the
delayed cases of registration within the permitted period.

• The student can delete a curriculum or more than one from the registration after the approval of the
academic guide within two weeks from the beginning of the semester. The deleted curriculum from
registration will be counted as a failed subject. The student has the right to add one curriculum or more
to the registration within two weeks at most from the beginning of the semester after the approval of the
academic supervisor. The student can also cancel his registration in the curriculum or two curricula at
most within a period which is the end of the fourth week at most from the beginning of the study at any

• The written examinations are held at the end of every semester in the curricula in which the student
is registered. The examination is made by the members of the teaching staff who are responsible for
teaching the curriculum. The examinations are set under the supervision of the members of the teaching
staff who are correcting the examinations and delivered them to examinations committee whereas the
final results are presented to the board of the institute within the determined term to approve it prior to
declaring them to the students. The distribution of the marks is 60% for the final examination (the written
examination) and 40% for the year’s works and for the practical training.

• In case the student does not enter the exam at any curriculum with a force majeure accepted by the
board of the institute, his absence will not be considered failure. The absence should not exceed two
consecutive or dispersed times within the study at the institute. Even in case of necessity and even with a
resolution issued by the board of the institute, no third chance can be given to the student and the absent
student without any acceptable excuse will be considered failed in the exam.

• The board of the institute can suspend the enrollment of the student for one academic year and for a
period which is more than two years if he submits an acceptable excuse which prevents him from being
regular at the study. The board of the institute can extend such period so that the enrollment period may
not be more than ten years.

• Upon the registration of the student in new curricula, his satisfaction for the qualified curricula should be
observed according to the schedules and the regulation distributed among the students at the beginning
of registration. The student cannot study his previous curriculum and his requirement at the same semester
except if he has previously studied it and passed it or except if his graduation is suspended on it.

• The student should follow up the lessons and should participate in the practical trainings according to
an attendance percentage which is no less than 75% from the periods allocated for the lessons. The
student will be prevented from entering the examinations in the curricula for which he has not fulfilled the
attendance percentage. The student will be considered not passed and failed in the curricula which he
is prevented from entering their examinations except when the student presents an acceptable excuse
approved by the board of the institute.

• Every student will prepare a graduation project during the second semester. The institute can add a
time period within the limits of 4 weeks after the end of the examinations. The project can include the
use and the application of all engineering methods which the student studied and learnt in his field of

• The term rate will be counted by calculated the points which the student has got and will be divided
by the number of the approved hours for the total curricula studied by the student in this semester.
Such curricula will be among the determined study plan. The accumulated rate will be calculated at
the end of every semester for the purpose of putting the student under the educational surveillance.
Such calculation is made by dividing the total points since his admission to the institute till the time of
calculating the accumulated rate into the total number of the approved hours. General Accumulated Rate
is calculated upon the fulfillment of the study requirements by the student in a similar manner. The student
has to repeat the study of the compulsory curricula if he fails any of them.

• In case the student fails at any optional curriculum, he can register at another optional curriculum after
consulting his academic guide within the framework of the study and the offered optional curricula. The
failed student in some of the curricula (compulsory or optional) can also register in the manner of external
registration (with respect to these curricula) after getting the approval of the member of the teaching
staff who teaches such curriculum and who evaluates the extent of student’s understanding through
assignments and regular tasks.

• In case the student succeeds at any curriculum from the first time he enter the exam in, he will get his
marks and the success grade he had. When the student enters the exam in a curriculum which he has
previously failed or was absent without an acceptable excuse, his success grade in such curriculum will
be calculated and will be added to his term and accumulated rate upon calculating his accumulated rate
or his general accumulated rate.

• The student’s status will be evaluated from his studying manner on the basis of his accumulated rate after
the end of each semester according to the following regulations:
  - Every student will be considered in an alerting status if he gets an accumulated rate less than
  - The student’s enrollment will be erased from the registers of the institute if he gets an accumulated
rate less than 2.0 for two consecutive semesters throughout his study period at the institute.

• The student will have a training during the summer holidays for two times at least throughout the study
period for a period which is no less than four weeks per each time at one of the companies or industrial
incorporations which suits the general field of specialization of the student. The student will provide the
institute with an approved certificate with the successful implementation of the training. The graduation
certificate will not be given to any students except those students who successfully implement the said
practical training.

• The student will select his studying division after the satisfaction of all curricula required to start studying at
this division and consulting the academic guide. The students will be distributed among the departments
according to the rules and the regulations defined and set forth by the institute’s administration. The
student can transfer his enrollment from a division to another division according to system determined by
the institute’s administration and on the condition of meeting all admission rules applicable in the division
to which he transfers and pursuant to the approval of the academic guide and the approval of the dean
of the institute.